Love + Support

when it counts.

Advocating for families and communities since 2020.

At the MJ BE Foundation, love and support is backed and supported by true heartfelt compassion from personal experiences. Love and support may not look the same for everyone and we understand that completely. Providing gracious services to cancer patients and their loved ones in various forms allows us to meet the need that so many may have never thought would be a need. We are here to spread love and provide help that may be just what you need to keep pushing through.


Areas of Support

Basic Need Stipend


A monetary stipend provided to assist with hardships that affect the everyday lives of the patient and their loved ones. This benefit is designed to lighten the financial burden and relieve worry from minds and hearts of things that can be controlled such as basic necessities (gas, utility bills etc..).

Meal Fulfillment


Groceries and/or prepared meals are provided to eliminate the additional item on someone’s everyday “to-do” list. The daily hustle and bustle of caring for a loved one suffering with cancer or the strain on the patient themselves, is the reason why the MJ BE Foundation provides options of grocery delivery services and delivery of prepared meals. The little things that wouldn't have been such a big deal at one point in your life can seem so big in moments where you feel overwhelmed and simply tired. This area of service is offered to erase one more thing off of the “to-do” list.

Love & Support


Provide love and compassion to families in and outside of cancer centers. Our goal is to enter cancer centers and spread smiles, conversation and a listening ear. So many patients go alone and those that don’t still could use a little motivation and encouragement. We distribute inspirational handwritten cards, a favorite snack, pass time activities and a listening ear. We believe these are simple things that can turn a person’s day around.

“A tiny spark ignites a flame, just as a helping hand can do the same”

– Noonie Jones


Contact us.

Please complete the form according to how we can best serve you. We will be in touch regarding your inquiry within 48-72 hours.

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